A Conversation with Thomas L. Kelly image

A Conversation with Thomas L. Kelly

By Books Mandala, December 17, 2019

Today, mobile devices are closing the digital divide in ways the PC never did and there's hardly an instant of our lives that isn’t electronically documented but not more than a few years ago, there were places in Nepal that were not just physically but also virtually untouched.

History is inescapable, History matters and so do the people who document it. A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of meeting Mr Thomas L. Kelly and as we're working towards creating and documenting stories and information about books, writers and literature, we decided to document our conversation with Mr Kelly. We hadn't planned this and it kind of happened in the spur-of-the-moment so we really appreciate Mr Kelly for giving us his time and thank him for all that he's given to the world.

About Thomas L Kelly: 

Mr. Kelly is a writer/photographer who first came to Nepal in 1978 as a USA Peace Corps Volunteer, and has since worked as a photo-activist, documenting the struggles of marginalized people and disappearing cultural traditions all over the world. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation he has been recording the lives of sex workers and the traditions of prostitution across South Asia. (To read more about Thomas Kelly: https://www.thomaslkellyphotos.com/)

Watch the coversation here:

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